In order to make a good application follow this format
If you need help on how it should look like look at this one: Name:[Nickname]'s App.
Alt Nicks:
Can you speak English good?:
How did you find out about us?:
Country & Timezone:
Te gusta marijuana?:
Past clans (And why you left them):
Servers you play on:
Do you hack?(If so gtfo):
Are you or have you been a member of a drug cartel?:
You willing to stay in this clan even if tough times come or inactivity?:
Contact Info (Xfire/Skype/MSN/Email):
Do you hate asians?:
Why should we accept you into NSX?:
What would make you want to leave us?:
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Weapon Set (A/D) (Choose 2 Only):
Rate your skills
Graphic Design (_/10):
Scripting (_/10):
Forum Managment (_/10):
A\D Knoowledge(_/10):
Walking Weapons (Overall (_/10) ):
Deagle (_/10):
Spas (_/10):
Shotgun (_/10):
Sniper (_/10):
M4 (_/10):
Ak-47 (_/10):
Mp5 (_/10):
Running Weapons (Overall (_/10) ):
Sawnoff-Shotgun (_/10):
Mac-10 (_/10):
Tec-9 (_/10):
Extra Info: